Quartz Hill School of Theology

Lesson 5: Numerals

The Ugaritic texts contain numbers, mostly written out as words (like our number "three"). Thus, the list of numbers which follows will be the word and not the symbol (like 3).

1 = ahd (m), aht (f)
2 = tn
3 = tlt
4 = arb t
5 = hms
6 = tt
7 = sb t
8 = tmn
9 = ts
10 = sr
11 = st sr
12 = tn sr
13= tlt sr
The rest of the teens follow this pattern as well. That is, the number followed the word for ten.
20 = srm
30 = tltm
40 = arb m
50 = hmsm
60 = ttm
70 = sb m
80 = tmnym
90 = ts m
100 = mit
1000 = alp
10,000 = rbt

There were at Ugarit fractional numbers as well. These are:
1/2 = hst
2/3 = snpt
1/3 = mtltt
1/4 = mrb t
1/5 = mhmst
1/6 = mtdtt
1/7 = msb t

There are also numerical words. These follow:

together = ahdh
alone = ahdy
twice, thrice = tnm
2nd, 3rd = tnnth
both = klatnm

ASSIGNMENT: Study the numbers above and memorize them as vocabulary words.

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Email: info@theology.edu
Website: www.theology.edu

Quartz Hill School of Theology
43543 51st Street West
Quartz Hill, CA 93536

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