About Us
In 1992 Quartz Hill Community Church established the Quartz Hill School of Theology as an academic institution designed to train believers for a more effective ministry in the church. It offers a wide range of courses on a college and seminary level in Bible, theology and the biblical languages (Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek). The courses are conducted on our church campus; many of the courses are also available online.
Quartz Hill School of Theology admits students regardless of race, religion, gender, age, national origin or handicap.
We emphasize the Bible.
We emphasize the biblical languages: Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek.
We believe in academic freedom.
Grounded in Biblical Christianity.
We believe in serving the church.
Science friendly.
Southern Baptist.
The school has an extensive collection of over 10,000 volumes in its A.G. Whytal Library
Quartz Hill School of Theology has intermitantly published a quarterly Newsletter (ISSN 1075-4687) and a quarterly journal, Quartz Hill Journal of Theology (ISSN 1075-0126). Students and faculty participate in producing these publications. The school also operates Quartz Hill Publishing House, which publishes books on various topics. So far, the school has published over 50 different titles, some of which have been acquired by Faithlife for their Logos Bible program, a high-end academic Bible program available for Windows, MacOS, iOS, and Android.
Faculty are members of academic associations such as the American Academy of Religion and the Society of Biblical Literature.
One faculty member is listed in Who's Who in Religion, Who's Who in America, and Who's Who in the World.

What We Believe
- The Bible is God's Word.
- Jesus is God who came to earth as a human.
- Jesus came to lead us to God.
- Jesus died and rose on the third day.
- We are called to love God and to love people.
- Baptist Faith and Message

Our Purpose
Jesus was asked the question: what is the most important commandment. His response: “ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” (Matthew 22:37–40 NIV). Our purpose, therefore, is to love God and to love people through all that we do as an educational institution associated with Quartz Hill Community Church.
Why Southern Baptist
As a Southern Baptist church related ministry we are closely affliated with our local High Desert Baptist Association. We are also associated with the California Southern Baptist Convention. Southern Baptist churches are independently run. That means there will never be a large organization telling us what to do. We like that.We choose to be Southern Baptist so we can pool our resources to reach out to the world. Southern Baptists have one of the largest overseas missions organizations in the world. In addition Southern Baptists reach out to local communities. In times of disaster there are almost always Southern Baptist workers feeding and housing the homeless and helping people clean up and rebuild. We like being partners with those who do so much for others.
Enrollment and Costs
$200.00 per quarter unit
are three quarters in an academic year. A full time
load for an average student would be 15 quarter units
per quarter. The cost for each quarter for a full time student is therefore
$3000.00. That works out to $9000.00 per year for a full time student.
Total cost for a student to get a Bachelor of Theology Degree (a four year process for a full time student) would therefore be $36,000.00.
We do not offer employment, housing, transportation, or cafeteria service.
Scholarships and DiscountsWe offer full scholarships to those who cannot afford to pay. We believe that finances should never stand in the way of anyone getting a religious education. Payment plans and discounts are also available. Discounts and scholarships are income-based.
Registration and Course Times
The academic year begins in the Fall in mid-September and runs through early-June. Registration packets and forms may be requested by email, phone, or in person for on campus courses. On campus courses are generally offered at night and on weekends. Online classes are self-directed and begin at any time.
Not Accredited. We are an unaccredited church-based academic institution. All degrees offered are for use in religious, church-based settings.
Associate of Theology
Requirements include one year of Hebrew and one
year of Greek. Classes in Bible and theology, plus
the languages will add up to 90 quarter units. See
our Catalog for full details regarding requirements.
Bachelor of Theology
Requirements include
a total of two years of Hebrew and two years of Greek, plus
one year of Aramaic. Classes in Bible and theology, plus
the languages will add up to 180 quarter units. See
our Catalog for full details regarding requirements.
Master of
Requirements include at least three years of Hebrew and three
years of Greek, plus a year of Aramaic (the language requirement may be
fulfilled by your undegraduate work). Classes in Bible and theology, plus
the languages will add up to 135 quarter units beyond the units acquired as an
undegraduate. See
our Catalog for full details regarding requirements.