Quartz Hill School of Theology

Lesson 10: Personal Pronouns and the verb "to be"


ἐγω - I   εἰμι - I am
σου - you   δε - but
αὐτος - he   οὐ - not
αὐτη - she   οὐκ - not
αὐτον - it   οὐξ- not

ASSIGNMENT: Memorize the vocabulary list above.

Some notes of importance:

The word δε never stands at the beginning of a clause.

In Greek the negative particle is normally found immediately in front of the word is negates.

Now, to the personal pronouns. They are declined as follows:

First Person (I)

Singular    Plural
Nom ἐγω - I   ἡμεις - we
Gen ἐμου - of me   ἡμων - of us
L.I.D. ἐμοι - to me   ἡμιν - to us
Acc. ἐμε - me   ἡμας - us

(The student should note that the abbreviations for the cases are given above, and will be used from this point on. This should cause no difficulty, as you know the case names by now).

Second Person (you)

Singular Plural
Nom.   συ - you    ἡμεις - you
Gen.   σου - of you   ἡμων - of you
L.I.D.   σοι - to you   ἡμιν - to you
Acc.   σε - you    ἡμας - you

Third Person (he, she, it)


Masc. Fem. Neuter
Nom   αὐτος - he   αὐτη - she    αὐτο - it
Gen   αὐτου - of him    αὐτης - of her    αὐτου - of it
L.I.D.   αὐτῳ - to him    αὐτῃ - to her    αὐτῳ - to it
Acc.   αὐτον - him    αὐτην - her    αὐτο - it


Masc. Fem. Neuter
Nom.   αὐτοι - they    αὐται - they    αὐτα - they
Gen.   αὐτων - of them    αὐτων - of them    αὐτων - of them
L.I.D.   αὐτοις - to them    αὐταις - to them    αὐτοις - to them
Acc.   αὐτους - them    αὐτας - them    αὐτα - them

ASSIGNMENT: Memorize the personal pronouns above.

A pronoun agrees with the noun it is replacing in case, gender and number (just like an adjective).

Whenever the phrase ὁ αὐτος occurs it must be translated "the same".

All of these pronouns must be carefully translated according to their context. Only practice in this art can help one correctly render these pronouns.

The verb εἰμι (to be) is conjugated below:

εἰμι - I am   ἐσμεν - we are
εἰ - you are   ἐστε - you are
ἐστι(ν) - he, she, it is    εἰσι(ν) - they are

The moveable -ν occurs frequently in this verb. When it occurs, simply note it. It does not change the translation at all. It was simply used as a syllable closer.

ASSIGNMENT: Memorize the verb ei0mi as it is conjugated above. Then, translate the following sentences:

1. διδασκω τους υἱους μου και λεγω αὐτοις παραβολῃ

2. ἐγω εἰμι δουλος, συ δε εἰ ἀποσtολος

3. οἱ ἀδελφοι ἡμων βλεπουσιν ἡμας και ἡμεις διδασκομεν αὐτους

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Email: info@theology.edu
Website: www.theology.edu

Quartz Hill School of Theology
43543 51st Street West
Quartz Hill, CA 93536

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