Dr. Jim West

Dr. Jim West - Professor Emeritus
Pastor- First Baptist Church of Petros
Petros TN 37845
Academic Credentials
Doctorate of Theology, Andersonville Baptist Seminary, 1994
Master of Theology, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1991
Master of Divinity, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary,1988
Bachelor of Arts, Carson-Newman College, 1985
Awards and Honors
Olga M. Robinson Advanced Language Prize for Superiority in the Biblical Languages,
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1991
Graduated Cum Laude from Andersonville Baptist Seminary ThD Program
Professional Societies
Society of Biblical Literature
European Association of Biblical Studies
Professional Experience
1993- Present; Pastor, First Baptist Church, Petros TN
1990- 1993; Pastor, Tabbs Creek Baptist Church, Oxford NC
1986- 1990; Pastor, Browns Baptist Church, Norlina NC
Other Professional Activities
2004-Present; Director of Seminary Extension, Big Emory / New River Baptist Association
2004-Present, Online Instructor, Faculty of Theology, University of Copenhagen
1994-Present; Adjunct Professor of Biblical Studies, Quartz Hill School of Theology
1988-1993; Adjunct Professor of Bible, Vance-Granville Community College
Editor of Biblical Theology Weblog and Biblical Studies Resources
Big Emory / New River Baptist Association, Associational Strategy Planning Team
Big Emory / New River Baptist Association, Constitution Committee
I also have authored the following materials:
Biblical Studies: A Beginner's Guide to Significant Aspects of the Study of the Bible, Quartz Hill Publishing House, 2005
The Bible in the Pew: Congregations and Critical Scholarship from the Pastor's Perspective, Expository Times, Forthcoming June 2005.
Family Bible Study Sunday School Commentary: March-May 2004 in the Baptist and Reflector
Huldrych Zwingli: A Contribution to the “Open Theism” Debate for The Evangelical Theological Society, 2003.
Scholars and the James Ossuary: A Reply to Bruce Chilton in Bible and Interpretation, 2003
"Sheol" in The Eerdman’s Dictionary of the Bible (Eerdman’s Publishing, 2000)
"Abaddon" in The Eerdman’s Dictionary of the Bible (Eerdman’s Publishing, 2000)
"Apollyon" in The Eerdman’s Dictionary of the Bible (Eerdman’s Publishing, 2000)
"Hades" in The Eerdman’s Dictionary of the Bible (Eerdman’s Publishing, 2000)
Numerous Essays in The Journal of Biblical Studies
Numerous Reviews in The Review of Biblical Literature