Biography of R.P. Nettelhorst

       The editor of Quartz Hill Journal of Theology and Academic Vice President of Quartz Hill School of Theology. He also serves as the School's Professor of Bible and Biblical Languages.
       He has several published science fiction short stories to his credit (see The Locus Index: Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror), but he is still unsuccessful at selling his novels to a publisher. He is a graduate of Los Angeles Baptist College with a B.A. (Summa Cum Laude) in history and a minor in Bible; he has a M.A. in Semitic Languages from UCLA (in the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures) where he has completed the course work for a Ph.D. in the same subject.
       He has published articles in the Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society and Biblical Research Monthly. He is listed in Who's Who in Religion 1992-93 and Who's Who in America 1999. He is married to Ruth Nettelhorst (a third grade teacher at Nancy Cory Elementary School). They have three children, all daughters: a five year old in kindergarten named Vanessa, a two-and-a-half year old named Nichole (who goes by the name "Toni"), and a two year old foster daughter who is in adoptive placement with them. An assortment of tropical fish and two cats allow them to share their house in Southern California.