A question asked not infrequently by Christians is whether or not
there might be intelligent beings on other planets. Some Christians
are very dogmatic on the idea that they don't exist, arguing that
it would serve no purpose for God to have any other creatures
in his universe.
Unfortunately, it is impossible to argue biblically one way or
the other. The Bible is silent on the matter, as silent as it
is on exactly how to go about fixing the carburetor on my Suzuki
Samurai. This should not be utterly surprising to us.
As human beings, we like to have all the answers to everything.
Too often, we make the mistake as Christians in imagining that
the Bible must have all the answers to all the questions. It
The Bible is not a complete revelation to the human race. It
is a sufficient revelation. This is quite clear from a
statement John makes at the end of his gospel (John 21:25):
Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were
written down, I suppose not even the whole world would not have
room for the books that would be written.
Consequently, there are more things about the universe that we
don't know than that we do.
However, we may, perhaps, have some hints about such things in
the Bible. For instance, we know for certain that there are non-human
intelligences at least periodically in this universe. The description
of the Cherubim in Ezekiel 1 and the Seraphim in Isaiah 6 demonstrates
conclusively that at least these two sorts of angels are not even
remotely like human beings. On the other hand, most angels that
appear in the Bible do look like people -- so much so that they
are generally mistaken for human. In fact, if the passage in
Genesis 6 that talks about the "sons of God" having
children by "the daughters of men" is a reference to
angels having sex with human women, then there are some angels
that have essentially the same genetic makeup as human beings
and therefore are essentially human.
The Bible tells us very little about angels, so it is not clear
how we should understand them. Are they physical or just spiritual
beings (Genesis 6, again, must be considered in answering this
question) and then where do they live? Is it in heaven, or do
they have planets of their own?
Turning from the Bible to science, it is perhaps easier to answer
the question about the chances of life beyond Earth. Our space
exploration has made it certain that there is no other intelligent
life in our solar system and, until recently (August 7, 1996) it seemed unlikely that there
was any life at all, even on a microscopic level. It now seems that
Mars in the past had life, according to the findings of a team from NASA working on a meteorite discovered in Antarctica (for more information, go to the NASA Homepage or to Science). There is, therefore,
some chance of finding life -- though very primitive
life -- on Mars today, or possibly in a place like Titan or Europa --
though in the case of Titan or Europa, the life wouldn't be quite
as we're used to it. But considering some of the peculiar places
life shows up on Earth (in the extreme temperatures of the Antarctic
iceor the boiling, sulfurous vents at the bottom of the
ocean), until further study is made, we cannot absolutely exclude
the possibility of primitive life elsewhere in our solar system, especially on Mars.
What about outside our solar system? It used to be said that
we couldn't even demonstrate the existence of planets beyond our
solar system, let alone life. However, in the last couple of
years that has changed. Planets have been located around several nearby
stars and evidence of dust and rocks (such as asteroids) have been
imaged around others. Therefore, it seems probable
that planets are not uncommon. It is hoped that by the end
of this century it will be possible to actually photograph earth-like
planets around nearby stars.
If it is the case that planets are not uncommon (admittedly an
unproved assumption), then simply consider the numbers: within
the Milky Way Galaxy alone there are over one hundred billion
stars. This is about the average size of galaxies. In the visible
universe there are over a hundred billion galaxies. If only one
percent of the stars have planets (and that is an extremely conservative
estimate) then in this galaxy alone there would be about a billion
stars with planets.
Of course, the sheer size of the universe answers another, possibly
related question. Could we have visitors -- UFO's and space ships
from other planets? Very unlikely. First, the universe has so
many stars in it that simply the chance that someone should have
selected ours for a visit would be incredible. You're more likely
to win the Publisher's Clearing House Sweepstakes (remember, there's
a hundred billion stars just in the Milky Way Galaxy). Secondly,
the distances between the stars are so great that it is not probable
anyone would have bothered to make such a trip. Star Trek is
great fiction, but the reality is that it is not possible to travel
faster than the speed of light (perhaps we can discuss why in
a future column). Suffice it to say, that traveling to just the
closest star, at the fastest rates that any human space craft
has traveled at, would take more than three thousand years in
travel time. Hardly practical.
The point of this little exercise is to demonstrate something.
The universe is an extremely large place. So the question: why
is it so large? Of course, it would be begging the question to
ask: would it need to be so large if humanity were the only intelligent
life that there is?
On the other hand, it could very well be, for whatever reason,
that life like us could exist only if the universe were this
size. The scientists wonder how easy it is for intelligence to
develop (assuming an evolutionary process); they suggest that
it is possible that the events which conspired to produce us might
be so rare and so unusual that we would be unique. Therefore,
if the universe were not as big and complex as it is, then there
would not be enough chances for all the random elements to come
together to make us happen.
Of course as theists, we would argue that it was not random chance,
and so the question remains, would God make the universe as big
as it is if we were the only ones to inhabit it?
There's no way to answer the question apart from actually going
out and checking. And even then, simply the failure to find anyone
else would not in and of itself demonstrate there is no one else,
at least not until we managed to check every place.
What about salvation and the death of Christ and sin and all
those sorts of theological questions that are inevitable if we
think of life existing on other planets? The Bible is clear:
For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive.
(1 Cor. 15:22)
Therefore, whatever arrangements or relationships God has with
other life forms, that's between them and him. It would never
be necessary for us to send out missionaries or to witness to
non-humans, anymore than we send missionaries to lions or tigers.
Although it is clear from the Bible that God has some relationship
with animals (see Genesis 9:5, Job 38:41 and Psalm 147:9, for
instance), that relationship is something we can do nothing about,
and therefore God spends no time in the Bible talking to us about
The same goes for little green men.
The Complaint of Jacob
by R.P. Nettelhorst
Jacob’s life was not a particularly easy one and his family life, both growing up, and then as an adult was certainly what would fit the modern definition of being “dysfunctional.”
So, to say the least, Jacob was not at all happy. The one true love of his life was dead. Joseph, his favorite, the oldest son of his beloved, had been dead for twenty-five years. And now Simeon had been taken from him, and this monster in Egypt was demanding the last link he had to his dead lover. Beside himself with grief, we find his reaction in Genesis 42:36 where it all comes down to this:
Their father Jacob said to them, "You have deprived me of my children. Joseph is no more and Simeon is no more, and now you want to take Benjamin. Everything is against me!"
And certainly it was the case that the circumstances of his life, from his perspective, from the perspective of his sons standing around him, made his complaint fully reasonable and perfectly understandable.
And yet, the fascinating thing about his words, for those of us reading the story, is that we know that he couldn’t be more wrong, despite the fact that his words seemed so obviously true to Jacob – unassailably true, in fact. But we the readers of this little episode, know something that Jacob doesn’t: we know that Joseph is not only not dead, but he is second in command in Egypt, the most powerful and most wealthy nation on the planet at that time. We also know that there’s no way for poor Jacob to know that.
So the reality of Jacob’s existence is that everything could hardly be better. His favorite son has done very well for himself, thank you. Good job, and great future, with money to burn. Poor Jacob simply doesn’t know this yet. His perception, his perspective of reality, is incorrect.
And we, the readers, can do nothing to alleviate Jacob’s suffering just now. And God didn’t do anything about it either. It’ll be another year before Jacob learns the truth of what his life is really like. For twenty-five years he mourned for someone who was not dead at all. He bemoans his fate as a miserable one, though his family is absolutely powerful and prosperous. But he doesn’t know any of that; in fact, he has no way of knowing any of that.
September 11, 2001 was thus an exceptionally bad day (to say the least) and raised numerous questions in the minds of many people about the nature of existence, about the goodness of God, about what it is really, that God wants and expects out of all of us. How do we live in a world where this sort of thing can happen? How do we face the crises of life, both small and great? Is there some key to life, some playbook we can get, some list we can follow, some formula we can memorize that will get us through life in one piece, with ourselves and our families living productive and prosperous lives? What does Jacob's complaint tell us about our relationship to God and the world?
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John of the Apocalypse
by R.P. Nettelhorst
If everything in your life went wrong, wouldn’t it be nice if Jesus came and told you why? “Why doesn’t God do something?” It was a question heavy on John’s mind. He had seen all his companions bleed and die; thousands of his compatriots had been slaughtered by a brutal tyranny. It seemed such an odd way for God to treat his most faithful servants. John was just a lonely old man exiled for his beliefs on the island of Patmos. And then Jesus unexpectedly showed up with good news and an explanation.
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