The One Year Diploma In Bible will be granted by Quartz Hill School of Theology upon the completion of the following courses (to officially register for a course, you must pay US $50.00; books are extra):
B100 Bible Summary (2 units)
Any Two quarters of B201-206 Bible Survey (6 units)
B222 Apologetics (3 units)
B211-213 Theology (9 units)
R201 World Religions (3 units)
LR201 Logical Reasoning and Research (3 units)
This is a program of nine courses totalling 26 quarter units.
Important: In order to receive the Diploma in Bible the student must have a) registered and paid for each of the required classes and b) satisfactorily completed all the work prescribed with a C or better average.
Upon completion of the required course work, the student will recieve a Diploma in Bible by snail mail; it is suitable for framing.
A high school diploma is recommended but not required for entrance into the One Year Diploma in Bible Program.
Grading System
A 93-100 Excellent
B 84-92 Good
C 77-83 Average
D 70-76 Poor
F 0-69 Failing
NC - - Audited
I - - Incomplete
WP - - Withdraw Pass
WF - 0 Withdraw Fail
WP - Withdrawing with a passing score. Has no effect on cumulative GPA
WF - Withdrawing with a failing score. The 0 will be figured as part of the student's grade point average.
I - An incomplete will be assigned only if the student has been unable to finish a course due to circumstances beyond his or her control. The incomplete must be made up within thirty days of the end of the quarter, unless special permission is granted by the instructor. If the course work is not made up within the allotted time, the incomplete will lapse to an F.
A student transferring to Quartz Hill School of Theology from another academic institution may transfer class work for which he or she has received a C or better, so long as the class work previously taken applies to the course of study offered by Quartz Hill School of Theology.
The decision to accept or reject transfer of credit, and the methods of applying such credits will be the responsibility of the Dean of Students and his or her decision will be final.
Transcripts of class work taken will be released to a student or other institution at the student's written request. The first transcript will be provided free of charge.
Each additional copy of the student's transcript will cost $2.00.
To register as a student in the One Year Diploma Program, you may pay for the program by credit card through CCNow. Clicking the button below will transfer you to a secure server run by CCNow (and it is their name which will show up on your credit card bill). You will be billed the total price for 9 courses: US $450.00. You will be officially registered at once, and we will send you course materials and exams. Upon satisfactory completion of the nine courses, you will receive your diploma.
If you prefer to pay by check, please fill out and submit the form below. We will respond by sending you an admission form, fee sheet, and course sheet by snail mail. After you return those forms with your check or money order, you will be officially registered. You will then receive the tests and instructions for the course(s) for which you have registered, along with the email address for your professor(s).
Remember: Courses are US $50.00 each; the total cost of the Diploma program is US $450.00 (nine classes at US $50.00 each). You do not have to pay for all the courses all at once. You may pay for them one by one, as you take them. (Return to the Course List page to select an individual course).