2017 Budget Proposal


A budget for 2017 has been proposed and is scheduled for a vote on January 22. It has been approved by the budget committee and deacons. This page contains that proposal and related issues to be voted on. Here are the three proposals to be voted on.

  1. Budget
  2. Honorarium change.
  3. Expense management procedure.
The above proposals are detailed in the following sections.


The table below shows the suggested budget numbers for 2017. The chart below the table shows the General Fund history. Most of the categories and amounts are very similar to previous budgets. However there are some major changes due to changes in our body over the last year and a half.

  1. No more parsonage.
  2. Increase building maintenance from $1,200/year to $12,000/year. This is an attempt to support our on-going building improvements.
  3. No more building mortgage. It was paid off in August.
  4. No more pastor business expenses. (We used to allow Don $500 per month.)

Honorarium Change

Due to the sensitive nature of salaries and the like, details of the proposed honorarium change are not given here. The budget above uses the current honorarium. If the honorarium change is approved the budget will be changed to reflect such. If you wish details on the honorarium change before the business meeting please email the treasurer at treasurer@theology.edu

Expense Management Procedure

Historically QHCC has had very little money. Any expenses beyond normal bills were rare and if they occurred were usually funded without reimbursement by members. In the past two years such expenses have become more frequent due mostly to building rennovation. We are spending more and it is reasonable for many more opportunities for members to be reimbursed. Even so, note that in almost all of these cases member have given freely of their time and often are not fully reimbured all things considered.

Any expected large project or expense should have a budget voted on by the congregation. An example of such would be our kitchen remodel. However doing so for every little expense is unwieldy. This proposal is meant to clarify and simplify expense reimbursement procedures.

With the above in mind, here is the expense management proposal

  1. The treasurer may approve requests from members under $100. Such expenses should be aligned with the will of the deacons and the congregation, to the best of both the treasurer and member's understanding. Any doubts, regardless of amount, should be taken to the deacons.
  2. The treasurer may never unilaterally approve expenses for themself nor any family member.
  3. The deacons may approve requests from members under $500. Such requests should align with the will of the congregation. Any doubts should be presented to the congregation.